Before and After

Before and after - Paul

Client Testimonials

How it Works

Step 1 - Place the Order

If you need a hair system urgently, we have stock systems ready to be sent immediately. If you want a hair system that fits your head perfectly, custom is your first choice.

Step 2 - Fitting and Style (Optional)

You then have the option to book in a session with a dedicated stylist at a nominal fee. We have partnerships with Advanced Hair Studio in AUS & NZ, and Hair Club in the US and Canada. 

Step 3 - Maintain

Once the hair system is ready, we  offer training on how to self-maintain either in studio or via video. You’re well on your way to gaining your confidence back with a full head of thick hair.

Need Assistance?

$50 off

Take $50 off our custom and stock hair systems, limited time only. 

Code: ‘AHS50’